drive |drīv|
verb ( past drove |drōv|; past participle driven |ˈdrivən| )
1 [ no obj. ] operate and control the direction and speed of a motor vehicle: he got into his car and drove off | they drove back into town.
• (of a motor vehicle) travel under the control of a driver: a car drives up, and a man gets out | a stream of black cars drove by.
• [ with obj. ] own or use (a specified type of motor vehicle): Sue drives an old Chevy.
• be licensed or competent to drive a motor vehicle: I take it you can drive?
• [ with obj. ] convey (someone) in a vehicle, esp. a private car: Shelley drove him to the supermarket.
2 [ with obj. ] propel or carry along by force in a specified direction: the wind will drive you onshore.
• [ no obj. ] (of wind, water, or snow) move or fall with great force: the snow drove against him.
• (of a source of power) provide the energy to set and keep (an engine or piece of machinery) in motion: turbines driven by steam.